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02) Is your organisation Cyber Essentials Plus certified?

August 30, 2022
Security Certifications
Cyber Essentials
Small Framework

Answer yes if your organisation has been certified to the Cyber Essentials Plus scheme by a relevant certification body. Please provide your Cyber Essentials Plus certificate as evidence.

Cyber Essentials Plus is a UK-Government-backed, industry-supported scheme to help organisations protect themselves against common online threats. It is a certification that shows your organisation has implemented the basic technical security controls required to mitigate some cyber risk. This second level requires an independent assessment from an accredited third-party.

Since Cyber Essentials is backed by the UK Government, it is more common among UK organisations, but any organisation can get a Cyber Essentials Plus certificate, regardless of where they are in the world.

More information can be found here.

How to implement the control

A good place to start is the Cyber Essentials readiness toolkit provided by the IASME consortium.

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