Onboarding, assessing and then continuously monitoring your suppliers to ensure they meet your standards can be challenging and cause friction between security and procurement teams. Risk Ledger provides a way for the entire department to work together to ensure supplier compliance.
Take the burden off having to keep up to date with regulation. We maintain our own standardised framework that is updated every 6 months - it adheres to the major security standards (including EBA, DORA, NIS, ISO etc.)
Instantly connect with one of the 8,000 suppliers already on the platform, or invite your existing supply base onto Risk Ledger in 5 minutes. The average supplier has a profile set up in 10 days.
Utilise our out of the box polices & processes or customise your setup to fit your specific business needs.
We maintain our own standardised framework that is updated every 6 months - it adheres to the major security standards (including EBA, DORA, NIS, ISO etc.)
We will continuously monitor your supply chain security, track compliance & alert you if something requires your attention.
Need to involve the wider business? Easily add legal and procurement onto the platform and quickly remediate any issues.
Go to the board or regulators with all the data you need to highlight potential risks, benchmark, and compare suppliers.
“Interacting with clients is easier through Risk Ledger we’ve got a central point for all our information security documentation that’s shareable. The links we use are unique to individual clients and they expire. The biggest tell for us is that when we share our Risk Ledger profile with clients it generally circumvents the need to fill in any other specific documentation.”
No organisation is an island.