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05) Does your organisation have arrangements in place to provide an alternate resource when a member of staff is not available for an extended period of time?

July 30, 2023
HR Security
Alternative Resources

Answer yes if your organisation has a process in place to source additional staff if one of your organisation's employees is not available for an extended period of time. Please outline the process in the notes section.

If your organisation is needs to maintain a high availability of service, it is important to have a process in place to ensure the correct level of staff is always present to ensure service availability. This usually involves a number of retainer contracts in place with staffing agencies and a plan and materials prepared to be able to train staff up if a large number need to be hired in a short space of time.

How to implement the control

Most information security consulting firms will help you to define and document a process that will help to maintain a good level of staffing to increase your business resilience.

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