Explainers & Guides

Getting Third-Party Risk Management Right

In this video with Risk Ledger COO Emily Hodges, you can learn how building strong relationships with suppliers and considering TPRM as an integral part of SecOps is key to better supply chain security.

Getting Third-Party Risk Management RightGetting Third-Party Risk Management Right

Third-party risk management (TPRM) is too often considered as a mere compliance and box-ticking excercise. Instead, it should be seen as an integral part of security operations and a critical component in any incident response plan.

In this video, you will learn why the rise in supply chain attacks, driven by increased outsourcing and evolving threat tactics, demands a new "defend-as-one" approach. Discover how building strong relationships with suppliers' security teams and leveraging threat intelligence can significantly enhance your organisation's ability to respond to and mitigate risks. Join us as we discuss practical strategies for making TPRM more effective and collaborative, ensuring a robust defence across the entire supply chain ecosystem.

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