Risk Ledger Supplier Case Study: Sorry™
Risk Ledger Supplier Case Study: Sorry™

Using Risk Ledger has removed the need for Sorry™ to complete numerous assessments for different clients

Learn about Sorry™’s experience with using Risk Ledger as a supplier.


Who are Sorry™?

Sorry™ is an incident communication platform, used by variety of industries globally. With real-time updates, templates, and the ability to send notifications, Sorry™ provides a stress-free way for businesses to acknowledge incidents promptly, reducing customer frustration and building trust. Learn more at www.sorryapp.com.

Implementing Risk Ledger has removed the need to complete security questionnaires manually for different customers. Displaying our Risk Ledger profile badge on our website and having a public link is all we need to share. It gives customers the information they need, including relevant documentation, to make informed decisions. It has totally eradicated the need for us to complete other forms of due diligence.
Nic Coates, Customer Experience Manager, Sorry™

Benefits of using Risk Ledger

Valuable tool for risk management and compliance

At a time when complex digital supply chains present a growing source of cyber security risk to organisations worldwide, assessing and monitoring the security of third-party suppliers has become an essential task. As a valued supplier to a wide range of organisations, Sorry™ decided to use Risk Ledger as a simple but powerful tool to assess its own security status and demonstrate compliance to its clients and prospects.

Nic Coates explains:

Risk Ledger is a tool I introduced shortly after joining Sorry™ two years ago. Coming from a security company, I understood the importance of compliance. Risk Ledger simplifies the process of identifying areas where compliance is needed. Its streamlined interface, with no unnecessary features, makes it easy for our small team to remain compliant.

How Risk Ledger helps suppliers like Sorry™

Risk Ledger is an innovative third-party risk management platform that takes a ‘social network’ approach to helping organisations protect and secure their supply chains. Each supplier on the platform creates a profile that provides information about the business, its security controls and other relevant risk areas.

Clients can easily review the security controls of their suppliers, while suppliers can maintain a single up-to-date security profile to share with both existing and prospective clients, on and off the platform, at the click of a button.

With Risk Ledger, suppliers benefit in the following ways:

  • Suppliers get free access to an innovative and already widely adopted supplier due diligence SaaS platform.
  • Suppliers create their Risk Ledger profile & centralise all their security controls ready for clients to access.
  • Suppliers can actively share their profile with prospects, shortening procurement cycles.
  • Risk Ledger helps suppliers keep up-to-date with reassessments, remediations and changes across their whole client base.
  • Risk Ledger allows suppliers to demonstrate evidence around controls to remove friction with clients.
  • Risk Ledger encourages suppliers to also use the platform in the capacity of a client, assuring the security of their own supply chains.

Security assessments made quick and simple

For suppliers, the platform is completely free to use and means they no longer have to complete hundreds of different questionnaires for multiple clients. For Sorry™, this has proved to be one of the principal benefits of using Risk Ledger.

Nic Coates says:

Since implementing Risk Ledger, we have removed the need to complete security questionnaires manually for different customers. Displaying our Risk Ledger profile badge on our website and having a public link is all we need to share. It gives customers the information they need, including relevant documentation, to make informed decisions. It has totally eradicated the need for us to complete other forms of due diligence.

With Risk Ledger, the idea is for suppliers to just complete one comprehensive supplier assessment, mapped against all leading international standards such as ISO 27001 or NIST, at an organisational level once, and then maintain the same profile as their businesses grow.

Sorry™ saves time and resources with Risk Ledger

Having only one risk assessment to complete and update saves considerable time and resources for Sorry™. It means the company can spend more time on improving its security and addressing vulnerabilities, rather than completing numerous duplicate questionnaires.

The Risk Ledger platform is designed to be easy to use, with a clear and simple interface and a security assessment framework that’s easy to understand.

Nic agrees:

One of the core features that I really appreciate is how security assessments are broken down into easy categories, along with tips and guidance for them. The ability to then share our completed profile with customers totally removes the need for us to fill out complicated security spreadsheets or questionnaires.

A community approach for a more secure supply chain

Maintaining an up-to-date security profile on Risk Ledger allows suppliers to demonstrate to clients and prospects that they take security seriously. That’s why Sorry™ has added a link to its Risk Ledger profile on its website. It’s a valuable way to share the company’s security status proactively with potential clients that may not yet be using Risk Ledger.

The aim of Risk Ledger is to build a community of connected organisations that improves the resilience of every supply chain participant. As the network of connected organisation grows, Risk Ledger will help all participants monitor their supply chains and more easily identify and address vulnerabilities.

As an active supplier on Risk Ledger, Sorry™ is playing a key role in helping to expand the network.

Nic says:

I would really like more companies to use Risk Ledger; many of our customers did not know this existed, hence our Risk Ledger badge and links are shared all the time with customers.

Looking into the future

Join as a supplier, stay as a client

One of the unique benefits of Risk Ledger is that organisations can use it as both a supplier and as a client in their own right. Having joined Risk Ledger as a supplier to show its security posture to clients, Sorry™ is now also using the platform as a client to conduct risk assessments and review the security of its own suppliers.

Nic adds:

We’re now using the client side to manage three of our suppliers who are already in Risk Ledger.

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