Answer yes if your organisation has policies and accompanying procedures in place to prevent modern slavery in your own organisation and within your supply chains. Relevant policies may include: Supplier code of conduct, Migrant worker policy, Child labour policy, Human rights policy, Recruitment policy, Procurement policy, Employee code of conduct, Policies concerning access to remedy, compensation and justice for victims of modern slavery, Policies that relate to staff training and increasing awareness of modern slavery, Policies that relate to worker wages, welfare and living standards. Please include in the notes details of your policies and procedures and upload the relevant documents (as PDF files) as evidence.
Modern Slavery is a complex issue, and so addressing it often requires a combination of policies, processes and programmes of work across multiple different organisational departments.
By implementing relevant policies and procedures, including training your employees on how to recognise and report cases, your organisation will be better prepared to tackle modern slavery within your own organisation and within your supply chain. This will also help you comply with relevant legislation such as the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Your organisation may already have a number of policies and processes which can be leveraged to help identify and prevent modern slavery. Policies that could be relevant include:
The charity Anti-Slavery International has resources and support available for companies to help identify and prevent modern slavery.
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No organisation is an island.